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Bite-Sized Balance Podcast with Wendy McCallum

Sep 28, 2021

Wendy’s friend, author, and fellow Certified TNM Alcohol Coach, Emily Lynn Paulson, joins her for an honest discussion around why women’s drinking has been rising dramatically during the last couple of years.

They discuss the connection between stress and alcohol, the additional anxiety and overwhelm of the pandemic...

Sep 21, 2021

Women’s drinking has been rising dramatically during the last couple of years. It’s become our go-to for numbing and escaping the challenges of modern, busy life in a pandemic. The good news is more and more women are questioning their relationship with alcohol. If you’re starting to wonder if alcohol is still...

Sep 14, 2021

Wendy and Sarah reflect on the first Women Talking Frankly coaching program that they ran in the early summer, including a discussion of their favourite parts and the lessons they learned from the incredible group of women in this first iteration of the missing conversation around women’s burnout, hormones, and...

Sep 7, 2021

Bite-Sized Balance is back! In the Season 2 opener, Wendy and Sarah reminisce about how they spent their summer, including their shared “dirty little secret” and their deepening friendship. They update listeners on their personal hormonal journeys and experiences with hormone replacement therapy and Sarah explains...